
Showing posts from March, 2015

Feeling Real Neat Right Now

Yesterday was my birthday, wherein I discovered that I'd been lied to: people do like you when you're 23. In fact, the lovely Anna of Just Rise Above It  has nominated me for a Real Neat Blog Award. How exciting! From one platonic life partner to the other: thank you very much! Anna writes about her journey to improve her health and well-being, focusing on both her physical and mental wellness, and improving her happiness wherever she can. Explore her blog (and follow her, of course) for a site that is regularly updated (mine is not), and complete with  recipes , life advice , insights , and reflection . She's an all-round winner (proven: she has an award)! So the rules for this award are as follows: 1. Put the award logo on your blog 2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you 3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs 4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs 5. Let them know you nominated them (by com...

There's No Place Like Here

Last night I cried myself to sleep - a personal first. Crying has always kept me awake in the past, usually leading to more emotional turmoil and over-thinking. I'd see movies with people crying in bed, suddenly closing their eyes and drifting off, freshly shed tears still glittering... And I'd just think about what utter bull that was. How could they sleep knowing they had a soggy pillow? Or how much snot was covering their face? Didn't they realise how uncomfortable that must be? OK, so the snot thing is just me apparently, but eve n if I'd spent three hours crying, I'd still  have to  clean up after myself before rolling over. A little background: as of March 1st, I have been living in Canada for ten months. In May, following a brief sojourn into the US, I'll be returning home to the UK indefinitely. Up until recently, whilst I realised that eventually my time here would come to an end, it seemed too distant to bear thinking about. But s ince the start of th...