Stage Fright; or, The Show Must Go On

Want to know the face of fear? Easy: my face when I first saw this GIF. I hate deep water. I'm not a confident swimmer, and I have a great fear of the ocean. So I have to wonder - what does it take to make a leap like that? No, seriously, I'd like to know. At the moment, I feel like it's a combination of faith, trust, and pixie dust. When the turning point comes, I don't have any of these things; I panic. Unsurprising really, given that a) I don't think many people would face a scenario like this with confidence, and b) that's basically the definition of panic. In case you haven't realised yet, I'm using the GIF as a metaphor for leaps of faith or life-changing decisions. 'Yeah, I get that,' you say, 'but what's your point?' Well, slightly annoyed reader of mine, my point is that (on what seems now to have been a whim), I created a life-changer for myself: on May 1st, I will be leaving for Canada, spending up to a year there. ...