Pride and Prejudice: Customer Service Edition
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that working in customer service is the modern version of being Sisyphus. It's full of endless, repetitive work, and tricking people into buying whatever rubbish you're forced to sell them. No matter how hard you work, it's never enough. There aren't many people who love being in customer service, and I have the greatest respect for those who do. But personally, I hate it. Don't get me wrong though, as long as you don't mind doing less physically and mentally demanding tasks, it's not that bad. The job itself is actually fine. In fact, having said that, most of the customers are generally fine as well. But you know the saying 'one bad apple ruins the bunch'? On some days, that's all I can see: the bad apple. Let's face it, it's not like I expect to get on with everyone I meet. I know there are going to be some people who will just hate me no matter what I do - and this goes both ways. Working in...